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Release lifecycle and cadence

New releases of Sequent Platform are published on a regular cadence. Support for these releases is also performed in a predictable manner so that the community, businesses and developers can plan upgrades, contributions and access to the latest version within a reasonable roadmap.

Version numbers

Sequent Platform follows a Semantic Versioning scheme. Each release has a version number following the major.minor.patch pattern and each version number is increased monotonically. For example, 2.1.0 is valid version number.

Version numbers for each project

Multiple projects compromise Sequent platform architecture: voting-booth, ballot-box, election-orchestra, etc.

Patch releases for bugfixes or security updates are published independently for each project. For example tally-methods might be published with version 4.0.3 while tally-pipes stays at 4.0.1.

Feature release versions are published at once for all projects of the release. A Feature release can either be a new major or minor version, depending if the release contains backwards incompatible new features. This allows us to ensure sure that any voting-booth release versioned 5.1.x (for example 5.1.1 or 5.1.11) will work with common-uis version 5.1.x.

Release cadence and Enterprise Support

Major releases are published every 6 months in March and September each year. Sequent offers Enterprise Support to its partners and clients for all Major releases since its publication and up to 3 months for old Major releases after a newer Major release has been published:

Releases timeline

Feature Release schedule

Each Feature release will be published under a schedule that includes:

  • A feature freeze date, usually 1 month before the final release date.
  • A beta release, usually 2 weeks before the final release date.

The schedule will be published in anticipation so that everyone can participate and coordinate it.

Security and bugfix updates

Sequent platform depends on multiple dependencies and these dependencies regularly publish security updates. Every 2 weeks, Sequent will review these dependencies and publish a patch release to keep up with the security updates. If there is any major security issue, a security release might be published earlier. Bugfixes (if any) will also be included in these bi-weeekly releases.

Specific purpose beta releases

Due to enterprise requirements, Sequent might publish Specific purpose beta releases of Sequent platform. These will only follow an Enterprise Support Plan ad-hoc for the specific-purpose of these beta releases. These beta releases will be considered a beta for the next Feature release - i.e. next major or minor version depending on the case.

Proprietary modules releases

Sequent platform follows an open core licensing model. With respect to release management and support plans, these proprietary modules follow the same rules as the open source projects explained above.